Dingo Remailer Homepage


Remailer configuration information, stats, and abuse policy

Commands available

The following commands are available through the use of Dingo's autoresponder:

Subject Function
Returns a configuration report which shows what directives and capabilities are supported, and other pertinent information. The remailer-conf information will show you what is supported by the remailer.
remailer-help Returns the help file for the remailer.
remailer-key Returns the remailer keys (Cypherpunk and/or Mixmaster) for the remailer. These keys are used to send encrypted remail requests to the remailer.
remailer-adminkey Returns the remailer's admin key. This key is used to send encrypted messages to the remailer operator.
list Returns the list of newsgroups available for posting through Dingo. Warning - Large list (1.25 Mb)

To use Dingo's auto-responder for the first 4 items, the "remailer-xxxx" items, send a blank email message to dingo1@dingoremailer.com, with "remailer-xxxx" as the subject.

To get the newsgroup list send a blank message to list@dingoremailer.com. No subject is required for the list.


Like many remailers, Dingo provides standard response time stats for the other remailers in the network, available in a variety of formats. Updated every 30 minutes:

CPunk v1
CPunk v1
CPunk v2
CPunk v2
Mixmaster v1
Mixmaster v1
Mixmaster v2
Mixmaster v2

How do I post? Usenet Posting through Dingo
What does it take to run a remailer? Dingo's current configuration.
How did Dingo get where she is? Dingo Events
What exactly *IS* a remailer? Remailer FAQ
Where are the remailers located? The Remailer Geographical Mapping Project
Where did they come from? Who "invented" remailers?
Remailer client software: Quicksilver
How to configure new remailer client software? Frog's Client Configuration for Dummies


Quotations My Admin PGP Key

Do not TEASE or ABUSE Dingo! See this.

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Last updated - 10/12/2005