Dingo's Stats

Cypherpunk Remailers

This is an automatically generated list of remailer reliability statistics. Please see the Interpretation section below for more information. Mixmaster, Chain, and Version 1 stats are also available.

Stats-Version: 2.0
Generated: Tue 6 Mar 2007 21:54:22 GMT
Cypherpunk   Latent-Hist   Latent  Uptime-Hist   Uptime  Options
antani       343263223224   2:28   ++++++++++++  100.0%  DPR GO ATL  IN 
austria      111111111111    :37   ++++++++++++  100.0%    R GO ATL  IN9
cyberiad     110010000000    :20   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR GO ATLEUIN 
daat         244332352252   2:38   ++++++++++++  100.0%  D R GO ATLEUIN9
deuxpi       111011100111    :26   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR GO ATLEUIN 
dingo        000000000000    :02   ++++++++++++  100.0%  DPRHGOXATLEUIN9
dizum        111111111010    :32   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR GO ATLEUIN0
george       111111111111    :35   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR GO ATLEUIN 
hastio       HGEBCCBC4101  20:03   ++++++++++++  100.0%    RHG XATLEUIN9
kroken       322121232121   1:19   ++++++++++++  100.0%  D R GO  TLEUIN9
metacolo     111111111111    :34   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR G  ATLEUIN 
panta        222222332222   1:47   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PRHG XATLEUIN9
pboxmix      111121111111    :42   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR GO ATL  IN 
senshi       333232333232   2:10   ++++++++++++  100.0%  D   G XATLEUIN2
zerofree     A10010000000   1:10   ++++++++++++  100.0%  D R GO  TLEUIN 
citrus       BCBB4A3B2333   8:28   +++++++++++8   99.2%  D R GO ATLEUIN 
cripto       111121111111    :33   +++++++++++8   99.2%   PR GO  TLEUIN1
borked       222222221221   1:20   +++++++++++8   99.2%   PR GO ATLEUIN9
frell        A876AC7979B4   8:57   +++++++++++7   98.4%   PR GO ATLEUIN9
starwars     253233222322   2:07   +++++++++9+8   98.4%  DPR GO ATLEUIN 
bikikii      4A65937EHC65  13:38   +++++++++++6   97.7%  DPRHGOXATLEUIN1
cthulu       11HHFB851651  17:17   +5++++++++++   96.9%  D R  O  TLEUIN3
bird         9B223232????   4:02   88+999+00000   54.9%  DPR G  ATLEUIN9
vger         222122221223   1:30   723234251334   35.8%  DPR G   TLEUIN9


$remailer{"anon"} = "<mixmaster@anon.978.org> mix middle remix inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"antani"} = "<mixmaster@firenze.linux.it> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"austria"} = "<mixmaster@remailer.privacy.at> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord klen1024";
$remailer{"banana"} = "<banana@mixmaster.mixmin.net> mix remix inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen100";
$remailer{"bikikii"} = "<remail@bikikii.ath.cx> cpunk mix hybrid middle pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt50 rhop5 klen125";
$remailer{"bird"} = "<mixmaster@bird.topazcrow.net> cpunk max mix middle pgp repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop4 reord post klen1000";
$remailer{"bunker"} = "<mixmaster@mixmaster.thebunker.net> mix middle remix esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"citrus"} = "<mix@outel.org> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord";
$remailer{"cripto"} = "<anon@ecn.org> cpunk mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post klen150";
$remailer{"cside"} = "<cside@cside.dyndns.org> mix middle remix inflt50 rhop5 reord";
$remailer{"cthulu"} = "<mixmaster@cthulu.joatcrafts.org> cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord klen300";
$remailer{"cyberiad"} = "<mixmaster@remailer.cyberiade.it> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"daat"} = "<mix@daat.aarg.net> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord klen1024";
$remailer{"deuxpi"} = "<anon@deuxpi.ca> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"dingo"} = "<dingo1@dingoremailer.com> cpunk mix hybrid middle pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt50 rhop5 klen1000";
$remailer{"dizum"} = "<remailer@dizum.com> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen64";
$remailer{"frell"} = "<godot@remailer.frell.eu.org> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen1024";
$remailer{"george"} = "<mix@mixmaster.it> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"hastio"} = "<anon@remailer.hastio.org> cpunk mix hybrid pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash repgp remix ext max test inflt75 rhop6 klen1000";
$remailer{"kroken"} = "<remailer@kroken.dynalias.com> cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord klen1024";
$remailer{"metacolo"} = "<mix@remailer.metacolo.com> cpunk max mix pgp repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"mixmin"} = "<config@nym.mixmin.net> newnym2 pgp klen1024";
$remailer{"panta"} = "<remailer@panta-rhei.eu.org> cpunk mix hybrid hcnews pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt75 rhop5 klen1000";
$remailer{"pobox"} = "<mix@antagonism.org> mix middle remix inflt50 rhop5 reord";
$remailer{"pboxmix"} = "<mixmaster@pboxmix.winstonsmith.info> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"senshi"} = "<senshiremailer@gmx.de> cpunk middle pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash repgp reord ext max test inflt10 rhop2 klen200";
$remailer{"starwars"} = "<mixmaster@tatooine.homelinux.net> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"tonga"} = "<remailer@cypherpunks.to> mix middle remix esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"vger"} = "<mix@vger.smbtech.com> cpunk mix middle pgp repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt256 rhop20 reord post klen8192";
$remailer{"zerofree"} = "<remailer@zerofreedom.homeip.net> cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord";
$remailer{"blackhol"} = "<config@blackhole.riot.eu.org> newnym pgp klen1024";
$remailer{"hod"} = "<config@hod.aarg.net> newnym2 pgp klen1024";
$remailer{"komite"} = "<config@nym.komite.net> newnym2 pgp klen1024";
$remailer{"pantanym"} = "<config@nym.panta-rhei.eu.org> newnym newnym2 pgp klen1024";
$remailer{"borked"} = "<remailer@pseudo.borked.net> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen1024";
$remailer{"lcs"} = "<mix@anon.lcs.mit.edu> mix klen1000";
$remailer{"nym"} = "<config@nym.alias.net> newnym pgp klen1024";


The stats table shows the 12-day performance history of each remailer.
Pings (test messages) are sent to each remailer and response time is

Latent-Hist shows the average default response time for each day:
    0   less than 20 minutes
    1   less than 1 hour
    9   less than 9 hours
    A   less than 12 hours
    B   less than 18 hours
    C   less than 24 hours
    G   less than 48 hours
    H   more than 48 hours
    ?   No responses received / No data

Latent shows the average default response time in HH:MM format.

Uptime-Hist shows the Uptime percentage (responses received divided by
pings sent) for each day:
    +  100% (Responses were received for all pings sent)
    9  90-99.9% (About 9 responses were received for every 10 pings)
    1  10-19.9%
    0  0-9.9%
    ?  No pings sent / No data

Uptime shows the average Uptime percentage for 12 days.

Options shows an abbreviated form of the strings listed in the
Remailer-Capabilities section above:
    D       middle (Remailer is middleman and chains to other remailers)
    P       post (Supports news posting (Anon-Post-To or Post)
    M/R/2   mix/remix/remix2 (Supported Mixmaster features)
    H       hybrid (Supports CPunk directives in Mix messages)
    G/2     repgp/repgp2
    O       pgponly (Requires Cypherpunk messages to be PGP encrypted)
    X       ext (Supports extended directive features)
    A       max (Supports Max-Size, Max-Count, and Max-Date directives)
    T       test (Supports the Test-To directive)
    L       latent (Supports the Latent-Time directive)
    e/E     ek/ekx (Supports Encrypt-Key/-3DES,-CAST directives)
    U       esub (Supports the Encrypt-Subject directive)
    I       inflt (Supports the Inflate directive)
    N       rhop (Supports the Rand-Hop directive)
    #       klen - The digit indicates the maximum message size:
                9   Max is greater than 900K 
                8   Max is less than 900K
                1   Max is less than 200K
                0   Max is less than 100K